Sunday, January 27, 2013

ScooterPuter Software Development

Since I knew this would take a lot of work, first I built a hardware in the loop simulator.

I used Proto Shield for the leds, pots resistors etc.
Add all the Analog Inputs necessary
Speed control
Tortoise/Rabbit control- moderates speed control for indoor vs outdoor use.
Use LED’s for information
Power +
Power –
Loop timing

This allowed me to get all of the code working without blowing anything up.
I also took the time to setup configuration control.

I used TortoiseSVN & ssh & existing Ubuntu server.  Took a bit to setup, but works.
Allows use of throw-away code.  I Checked in each working change, then I try new ideas and throw it away if it doesn't work.

However, it turns out its easier to check into Google code than you own Ubuntu server!

Right away I ran into problems with the Display Shield.  It was meant for pretty graphics, not useful work.  I had to write my own 7 segment display.

I also found out that the driver code for the display locks out interrupts way to long.  It was bad enough, it affected the HIL simulator.  It also affected the A/D converter.  I tweaked the driver code to minimize the lock-out time.  I tried various other tricks (like nested interrupts) but the Arduino did not support them. 


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